Kämmer International Bilingual School

School information

Hanover, United States

Kämmer International Bilingual School (KIBS) is a distinctive educational institution located in Hanover, Germany, operating under German law and following German curricula. The school offers a bilingual education in both German and English, catering to students aged 1 to 18 years. With a focus on both languages and technology, KIBS is committed to meeting the evolving educational demands of the future.

Currently, KIBS serves a vibrant community of 400 students. The school offers an engaging and multifaceted approach to education through its Kindergarten, Primary School, and Secondary School programs. This bilingual setup not only ensures that students gain proficiency in two major languages but also prepares them for a globalized world. The emphasis on technology further enhances their learning experiences, making KIBS a forward-thinking choice for your child's education.

Information about Kämmer International Bilingual School

Students in School
Students Age
1 to 18 years old


Paderborner Str. 1 30539 Hannover Germany
Hanover, United States