Covenant International School

School information

Yangon, Myanmar

Covenant International School (CIS) in Yangon, Myanmar, is renowned as the country's first faith-based international school, offering a holistic education that caters to students aged 3 to 18. With a strong emphasis on both personal and academic development, CIS provides an environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. This diverse institution accommodates 220 students, ensuring that each child receives individualized attention with an average class size of just 15 students.

CIS stands out in South East Asia for its commitment to providing affordable, quality education that is both certified and internationally recognized. The school weaves spiritual growth with academic excellence, guiding each student through a comprehensive curriculum designed to nurture their unique talents and intellectual capabilities. Parents seeking a balanced education that emphasizes both ethical values and academic rigor will find Covenant International School an excellent choice for their children in Yangon.

Information about Covenant International School

Students in School
Students Age
3 to 18 years old
Avg. class size


Yangon, Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar