Saulės Gojus
School information
Vilnius, Lithuania
Established in 2004, Saulės Gojus in Vilnius, Lithuania, has taken pioneering strides in bilingual education within the region. Serving students aged 2 to 16, this innovative school employs a language immersion method starting at age 3, evolving into a bilingual Lithuanian-English program aimed at preparing students for the future. With a focus on fostering independent learning abilities, Saulės Gojus incorporates a structured mentoring programme and adheres to the belief that the learning-to-learn competency is a vital lifelong skill. By integrating Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences into its curriculum, the school ensures consistent and holistic development monitoring from pre-school to secondary education.
Saulės Gojus adheres to the national curriculum while embracing the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method, making English an essential medium for communication and creative expression across all educational levels. This approach not only enhances real-world knowledge but also boosts students' motivation to learn. Steering away from traditional standardized tests, the school utilizes portfolio-based evaluations to emphasize learning-to-learn skills. This fosters a partnership among students, teachers, and parents, aiming for a well-rounded academic success. The annual assessment of students' progress, guided by Gardner’s theory, provides a deep, personalized insight into each child's educational journey and overall personality development.
Contact the school
Šeimyniškių g. 21B, Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania
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