Royal Russell School Vilnius

School information

Vilnius, Lithuania

Royal Russell School Vilnius, nestled in the heart of Vilnius, Lithuania, is a premier educational institution offering a nurturing environment for boys and girls aged 1 to 18. Located at Šaltinių g., this school is an extension of the prestigious Royal Russell School in London, bringing its renowned education system to Central & Northern Europe. With a total of 177 students and an average class size of 12, Royal Russell School Vilnius ensures personalized attention and tailored learning experiences for each child. The school prides itself on its small class sizes, with a maximum of 16 students per class, allowing for more effective and engaging teaching methods.

The educational philosophy at Royal Russell School Vilnius emphasizes the development of lifelong learners. The school’s vision is to cultivate avid and thriving young learners who actively seek knowledge and opportunities in all aspects of their lives. The curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, preparing students for future academic challenges. Furthermore, Royal Russell School Vilnius is committed to inspiring each pupil and equipping them with the competencies needed for long-term success. This holistic approach ensures that students not only achieve academic excellence but also grow as well-rounded individuals ready to excel in an ever-changing world.

Royal Russell School Vilnius offers a wide range of tuition fees, from €7,440 to €14,500, catering to a variety of financial backgrounds. Parents seeking an environment where their children can flourish academically and personally will find Royal Russell School Vilnius an excellent choice. The school's vibrant community, commitment to excellence, and focus on lifelong learning make it a standout option for families in Lithuania and beyond.

Information about Royal Russell School Vilnius

Yearly fees
From EUR 7,440 to 14,500
Students in School
Students Age
1 to 18 years old
Max. students per class
Avg. class size


Šaltinių g., Vilnius 03214, Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania