The English School
School information
The English School, located on Mousaed Al-Azmi Street in Salmiya, Kuwait, has been a pillar of the English-speaking community for nearly 70 years. As the only non-profit international school in Kuwait, it provides an affordable, high-quality education for children aged 3 to 13. The school follows the Foundation Stage and National Curriculum for England, ensuring a well-rounded and rigorous academic experience. With a student body of 660 and class sizes averaging 21 but capped at 25, it offers a nurturing environment where individual attention is a priority.
The curriculum at The English School is designed to be broad, challenging, and varied, catering to the unique needs of each child. Their well-qualified and experienced staff strive to stretch and enrich students through a variety of educational experiences. The pedagogical approach at the school is flexible, adapting annually to meet the needs of students, parents, and staff while emphasizing pastoral support. Tuition fees range from 1,840 to 3,530 KWD, providing exceptional value for an unparalleled educational experience in Kuwait.
Contact the school
Mousaed Al-Azmi Street Block 12 Salmiya Kuwait