Shinagawa International School
School information
Tokyo, Japan
Shinagawa International School (SIS) is a vibrant educational community situated in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Located at 3 Chome-6-21 Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, the school offers a wide range of educational opportunities for children aged 3 to 16. SIS currently educates around 400 students, with class sizes averaging 20 students and a maximum of 22. Our school is proud to host a diverse community comprising more than 40 different nationalities, enriching our students' experiences with a variety of cultural perspectives.
The curriculum at SIS is rooted in the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework. We are an authorized MYP (Middle Years Programme) School and a candidate school for the IB Diploma Programme (DP). The academic journey begins with the Early Years and Primary School at our Seaside Campus, offering classes for Preschool and Kindergarten. From Grade 3 to Grade 10, students continue their education at our Main Campus, with Grades 11 and 12 being introduced in the 2024 and 2025 academic years, respectively. This comprehensive program empowers students to cultivate essential skills, knowledge, and attributes that begin from their early education years onwards.
At Shinagawa International School, our mission is clear: to foster a multicultural learning environment that nurtures a passion for academic excellence, social responsibility, and personal growth. Whether through innovative teaching methods or a diverse multicultural community, SIS prepares students not just for exams, but for life.
Contact the school
3 Chome-6-21 Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0004, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
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