Jakarta Multicultural School

School information

Jakarta, Indonesia

Located in the vibrant city of Jakarta, the Jakarta Multicultural School (JMS) is a distinguished private international institution dedicated to providing a balanced and inclusive education for students aged 2 to 18 years. Situated at Jalan Pisangan Raya No.99, JMS prides itself on maintaining a low student-to-teacher ratio, with an average class size of just 15. This allows educators to focus on the individual needs of each student, fostering a supportive and personalized learning environment for all.

At JMS, the commitment to a globally competitive curriculum is complemented by a deep respect for the diverse beliefs, cultures, and ways of thinking that each student brings. As an officially registered International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge School, JMS emphasizes an inclusive approach to education, ensuring that every student, including those with special needs, is given equal opportunities to explore and develop their potential. The school's unique teaching philosophy encourages students to engage boldly with their learning, nurturing their natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation while providing them with the necessary intellectual rigor they need to thrive.

In addition to academic excellence, JMS is dedicated to maintaining a safe and pleasant school atmosphere through its strict NO Bullying Policy. Here, students enjoy a “no fear” learning environment where they can express themselves and exchange ideas freely. The school's vision is to create a community where education transcends traditional boundaries, equipping students not only with knowledge but also with the confidence to voice their own opinions and beliefs without judgment. At Jakarta Multicultural School, every student is viewed as an important contributor to the vibrant tapestry of the school, ensuring a rich and fulfilling educational experience.

Information about Jakarta Multicultural School

Students in School
Students Age
2 to 18 years old
Max. students per class
Avg. class size


Jalan Pisangan Raya No.99, RW.14, Cireundeu, Ciputat Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15419, Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia