Ipeka Integrated Christian School

School information

Jakarta, Indonesia

Ipeka Integrated Christian School (IICS) in Jakarta, Indonesia, offers a distinctive and comprehensive educational experience for children aged 3 to 18. Established in 1999 as part of a broader network of schools, IICS presently serves 1,035 students from Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade. The school is committed to delivering an international standard of education, with English as the primary medium of instruction. In addition to English, students also learn Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia, ensuring they are well-prepared for global opportunities.

Located in the bustling city of Jakarta, IICS follows Australian curriculum standards and enhances learning with American and Australian textbooks. The school’s educational philosophy is rooted in a God-centered approach, which integrates teachings from the Bible into its academic programs. This unique blend of rigorous academic standards and spiritual growth aims to provide students with a holistic education that nurtures both their intellectual and moral development.

With a prime address at Komplek Taman Meruya Ilir Jalan Batu Mulia Blok K, Meruya Utara in West Jakarta, IICS is easily accessible for families residing in the area. Parents seeking an enriching and balanced education for their children will find IICS’s commitment to academic excellence and spiritual values a compelling choice.

Information about Ipeka Integrated Christian School

Students in School
Students Age
3 to 18 years old


Komplek Taman Meruya Ilir Jalan Batu Mulia Blok K, RT.11/RW.7, Meruya Utara Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11620 Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia