Colegio Aleman Quito

School information

Quito, Ecuador

Colegio Aleman Quito is a prestigious German international school situated in the vibrant city of Quito, Ecuador. Catering to children from ages 3 to 18, the school offers comprehensive education from kindergarten through to senior high school. The school blends rigorous academic standards with a unique cultural education, providing a well-rounded learning experience that prepares students for future success.

Located in Quito, the school offers a distinctive blend of German and Ecuadorian influences, fostering an inclusive environment where students can thrive academically and socially. The curriculum at Colegio Aleman Quito is designed to cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and a global perspective, making it an excellent choice for families seeking a high-quality international education in the Americas. With its diverse age range and commitment to excellence, Colegio Aleman Quito stands out as a leading educational institution in the region.

Information about Colegio Aleman Quito

Students Age
3 to 18 years old


Quito 170157, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador