Lycée Franco-Costaricien

School information

San Jose, Costa Rica

Lycée Franco-Costaricien, situated in the vibrant city of San José, Costa Rica, is a prestigious French international school dedicated to providing a comprehensive and high-quality education to students from ages 3 to 18. With its prime location on the scenic carretera a Concepción de Tres Ríos, the school offers an ideal learning environment blending the rich cultures of France and Costa Rica. This bilingual institution caters to 900 students, promoting language proficiency and cultural understanding.

Renowned for its rigorous academic programs, Lycée Franco-Costaricien follows the French national curriculum, ensuring students receive an education that meets international standards. The school's commitment to excellence is reflected in its dedicated faculty and innovative teaching methodologies, which prepare students for success in higher education and beyond. Parents seeking a multicultural and globally-oriented education for their children will find Lycée Franco-Costaricien an exceptional choice in the Americas region.

Information about Lycée Franco-Costaricien

Students in School
Students Age
3 to 18 years old


De la casa de Pepe Figueres, 5 km Noreste, carretera a Concepción de Tres, Ríos, San José Province, Tres Rios, Costa Rica
San Jose, Costa Rica