Southern Ontario Collegiate

School information

Toronto, Canada

Southern Ontario Collegiate, located in the vibrant city of Toronto, Canada, is an esteemed educational institution dedicated to providing top-notch education for students aged 14 to 18. With a cozy student body of 100, the school ensures personalized attention and a supportive learning environment. The campus at 28 Rebecca St., Hamilton, Ontario, offers a welcoming atmosphere where students can focus on their academic and personal growth.

One of the standout features of Southern Ontario Collegiate is its small class sizes. With an average and maximum class size of just 10 students, teachers can provide individualized support and foster a close-knit classroom community. This emphasis on small class sizes ensures that each student receives the attention they need to excel academically and develop strong relationships with their peers and mentors.

Parents seeking an intimate and nurturing educational setting for their children will find Southern Ontario Collegiate an ideal choice. The school's commitment to excellence and personalized education prepares students not only for higher education but also for their future careers and life endeavors. Set in the culturally rich city of Toronto, students have access to a wide range of extracurricular activities and cultural experiences, enhancing their overall educational journey.

Information about Southern Ontario Collegiate

Students in School
Students Age
14 to 18 years old
Max. students per class
Avg. class size


28 Rebecca St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8R 1B4
Toronto, Canada