Bartolomé Mitre Day School

School information

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Bartolomé Mitre Day School, located at Reverendo Padre Fahy 1402 in Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina, offers a comprehensive educational experience for children aged 2 to 18. Established in 1992, the school initially welcomed nearly a hundred children and their families into its innovative educational environment. Today, it proudly serves over 1,500 students, thriving as a robust academic community.

The school is committed to meeting modern academic, social, and technological demands, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the future. Understanding the importance of language skills in a globalized world, Bartolomé Mitre Day School offers a bilingual education starting from kindergarten. This bilingual approach equips students with a crucial second language, preparing them for diverse opportunities both within Argentina and beyond. Bartolomé Mitre Day School stands as a beacon of quality education in Buenos Aires, dedicated to fostering growth and excellence in its students.

Information about Bartolomé Mitre Day School

Students in School
Students Age
2 to 18 years old


Reverendo Padre Fahy 1402, Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina